Help Us Spread Jason’s Healing Messages Worldwide

Can you imagine if everyone interacted with each other from a nondual perspective, where all life is valued and cared for?

We know the power and beauty of our connection to awaken and heal the world when we focus our intention and resources toward a single goal. Now more than ever, humanity needs a way to engage with each other that respects our differences and allows the unfolding of each being.

A generous gift by A Society of Souls graduate has put us in a unique position to spread the inspiration and wisdom of nonduality to those who are ready for this work and need the support of this community.

But we need your help to ensure our initiatives take root, grow, and flourish. By adding to the generous donation originally given by this graduate, we can build sustainable revenue streams through book sales, classes and visionary projects.

Your one-time gift or ongoing monthly support will allow us to expand our website, maintain an engaging social media presence, launch a monthly e-newsletter, develop new curricula and courses, produce a YouTube series, and so much more.

A Message from The Foundation

Please take a few minutes to watch this special message from Foundation Board Member Jeff Ellias-Frankel on the difference your support can make at this critically important time.

Possibilities Are Endless When We Come Together as a Community

Thanks to Jason and the hardworking volunteers at The Foundation for Nonduality, we have made incredible progress. In just this past year alone, we:

  • Published Jason’s sixth book, Beyond the Now: Essays on the Heart of Enlightenment (2021)

  • Held seven online community meetings where over 200 people at each event learned the wisdom and compassion of nonduality

  • Sent two dozen free Songs of Love and Grief via text and email to uplift and bring solace to the entire community in these challenging times

  • Awarded a $2,500 grant to the Center for Illumination for MAGI outreach to teenagers, college students, families, clergy, and more

Coming Soon:

  • A seventh book release

  • More Songs of Love and Grief

  • New grant awards to spread Jason’s teachings